Resstende created and installed 106 solar screens for Casa dei Ragazzi, the healthcare residence in Olgiate Molgora managed by IAMA Onlus intended to host 40 children with disabilities in the little city of San Zeno.

Angelo Vismara, Resstende sales technician, comments: “We have paid a lot of attention to the needs of guests, trying to create a welcoming and comfortable environment that promotes their well-being and tranquility. In this case, rollers blinds play a fundamental role in interior design, adding a touch of warmth and personality to spaces but above all providing visual and thermal comfort to better enjoy the environment“.

Inside the rooms dedicated to the children, 71 NANO roller blinds with a grey structure have been installed, equipped with a double box, thanks to which the passage of light can be regulated both from below and from above for even more effective and comfortable protection .

In the common areas, however, 35 RESS FLEX 01 motorized roller blind systems have been installed, specifically designed for external applications.

We are proud of the final result and hope that the shades will help make the facility a pleasant and comfortable place for guests. – concludes Angelo Vismara, Resstende sales technician – We are always available for any future needs and we are certain that the blinds will represent an effective and functional choice over time.”