Resstende is among the exhibiting brands of the event that was held from 6 to 12 June at the Foundation of the Order of Architects of Milan, during Milan Design Week 2022.

The intangible could be associated in a figurative way with the submerged portion of an iceberg, an essential and predominant part that is located below the waterline and is hidden from the eyes, but which materially exists and has an absolute fundamental value. To express this concept in the design and architecture sector, the S2 ARCHITETTI studio has chosen to enhance the invisible aspects of product design, first of all by sensitizing companies, with the aim of bringing out the added value expressed by energy, emanating from the intangible world.

The concept was made manifest through the application of a coloured label to each product displayed, which stood out from the neutral and monochrome colours of the objects themselves. On each label, the people who had participated from the conception to the realization of the single product were displayed, with the indication of quality scores linked to individual intangible aspects of the processes. Finally, the product received a total score equivalent to the amount of positive energy accumulated during the entire journey.
Following a design comparison with the S2 ARCHITETTI studio, Resstende’s presence was manifested through the installation, on the windows of the Foundation, of a dozen fabrics printed with the faces of HOME ITALIA partners and collaborators, including that of Riccardo Gasparini, manager director of Resstende.

The fabric chosen by the Studio was the Soltis Horizon 86 , in the snow white color cod. 39690, a PVC coated polyester with an open factor of 14%. Flame retardant, in Italian Class 1. The Soltis Horizon 86 has a high tenacity polyester micro-cable structure that guarantees superior resistance to elongation and tearing and no deformation during installation and use.