Then throughout the following month of February, Resstende – a leading company in the sunshade sector – was due to participate in R+T Asia, the most prestigious trade fair in the sector for markets in the region.

YET, THE R+T ASIA WORLD EVENT WAS EVENTUALLY CANCELLED. THE RISK OF CATCHING CORONAVIRUS 2019-NCOV WAS DETERMINED AS BEING TOO GREAT and, in a note, the organisers underlined that they had received instructions from the Chinese government to suspend the fair and postpone it to a date to be set during 2020.

Yet, the company based in Agrate Brianza did not fail to be front and centre as protagonist of the next R+T Asia dates, with a stand and schedule of events organised at the Resstende Shanghai Noosa headquarters.

Participation in the Chinese exhibition and the definition of an entire schedule of events to be organised at the headquarters opened by the company in Shanghai derived from the joint commitment of Resstende, Kenzo Tamada, China Branch Director & Export Manager, and the entire Resstende Shanghai Noosa team. The work undertaken by all staff will remain unchanged and shall be put to good use as soon as the new R+T Asia dates are defined, which will see the company with its productive heart in Brianza taking on a leading role.